Dyveke Fauerholdt Noack

Dyveke Fauerholdt Noack is a multidisciplinary artist from Denmark.


Dyveke uses different techniques in her work, combining painting with textiles and threading. Her work is influenced by her upbringing in both Funen, Denmark and Greenland- inspired by specific places, nature, memories and people and the sentiments they represent.


Dyveke is an autodidact artist bringing old craftsmanship into a new era with her textile art. Her works are mostly abstract, with the chaotic parts in multiple layers standing opposite to the simpler areas, including her use of negative space. Experimenting and exploring color, are a vital part of her practice.

Artist Statement

My practice of art is a fusion of diverse mediums, primarily centered around painting and embroidery.


Through this unique combination, I delve into the realm of colors, textures, and emotions, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms to create something new and captivating.


My art practice is characterized by its versatility. I have explored various mediums, each adding a distinct layer to my creative process. Whether it’s the vibrant strokes of acrylics, the delicacy of watercolors, or the tactile beauty of textiles, I embrace the challenge of merging these diverse elements into a harmonious whole.


At the heart of my practice lies the intriguing combination of painting and embroidery. This unconventional pairing allows me to add depth and dimension to my artworks, giving life to my ideas in ways that are both visual and tactile.


The juxtaposition of the two techniques results in a rich tapestry of textures, colors, and emotions that invites viewers to explore and interact with my creations on a profoundly sensory level.


My art is a reflection of the boundless possibilities that arise when creativity knows no boundaries.

Solo Exhibitions

2023: Tupilak – and other tales from the north, Art Escape Studios, Copenhagen

2023: Catching Sunbeams, Bistro Cocorico, Copenhagen

2022: Catching Sunbeams, Art Escape Studios, Copenhagen

Group Exhibitions

2023: RE:CONNECT, Group Exhibition with IMMART and Gallerie Lorien, Gallerie Lorien, Bornholm

2022: Christmas Group Exhibition, Art Escape Studios, Copenhagen

2022: Introspective, Art Escape Studios, Copenhagen

2021: Completely Unknown, Art Escape Studios, Copenhagen

2021: Pineapple Summer, Kester Thomas, Copenhagen

2021: Art Escape Collective, Cobham, Lyngby

Projects in collaborations

2023: Children Workshops at ARTIVAL, in collaboration with IMMART

2022: Part of WISE project, in collaboration with We Are Entrepreneurs and Erasmus+

Professional Associations:

2023 – : GAG, Gemini Art Group

2021 – : IMMART

2021 – : Art Escape Studios